Rural Development

Our Rural Development sector is dedicated to coordinating Italy’s financial actions across the agricultural, environmental, and food security sectors. Our primary goal is to promote employment and stimulate entrepreneurship among the most vulnerable populations by enhancing conditions for sustainable development.

Bilateral Projects

In 2023, we launched a pivotal project to support the agricultural census in Palestine, aiding the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) in creating a comprehensive and up-to-date database. This crucial initiative enables the development of effective strategies and policies at the government, private sector, civil society, and donor community levels.

Multilateral Projects

On the multilateral front, we successfully completed a project with the FAO to introduce modern aquaculture techniques in the Gaza Strip. Our intervention helped establish a social enterprise for offshore fish farming, providing new economic opportunities for the local fishing community.

Currently, we are engaged in the SANET project, implemented by the CIHEAM/IAM Bari, aimed at strengthening agro-food cooperative networks in Palestine. SANET focuses on leveraging agriculture as a tool for resilience, job creation, and socio-economic development, with particular emphasis on the inclusion of youth and women. The project also includes a comprehensive analysis of forage and plum value chains.