embroidery exhibition handcrafted Ayadi project funded by AICS

Empowering Palestinian Women Through Traditional Embroidery

Birzeit, August 12, 2024 – As part of our ongoing commitment to fostering sustainable development and empowerment, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) is delighted to highlight the successful unveiling of a vibrant exhibition of handcrafted embroidery created by beneficiaries of the Ayadi project. This initiative, generously funded by AICS and executed in collaboration with the Birzeit Vocational Training Center and the Palestinian Employment Fund, took place on August 12, 2024, at the Palestinian House of Al-Nawraj in Old Birzeit. The event was attended by a distinguished audience of officials and community members.

Alice Abdo, Project Manager of Ayadi, expressed that this exhibition transcends mere presentation—it’s a powerful platform for empowering beneficiaries by showcasing their artistic skills and integrating them with the local community. The primary aim of the Ayadi project is to equip participants with the skills necessary to transform their artistic talents into sustainable careers.

Imtiaz Abu Awwad, Sewing and Fashion Design Supervisor at the Ministry of Labor and exhibition coordinator, detailed that the training program involved 18 beneficiaries over a three-month period, encompassing 100 hours of rigorous instruction. This training included 16 traditional Palestinian stitches and culminated in a diverse array of products, such as traditional dresses, accessories, and embroidered cushions. The exhibition underscores the critical importance of preserving Palestinian heritage and continuing the art of embroidery.

Trainer Bushra Hussein from the Birzeit Vocational Training Center praised the trainees for their dedication and enthusiasm, emphasizing that initiatives like these are crucial for addressing youth unemployment and advancing vocational and technical careers in the region.

Our delegation from AICS was honored to attend the exhibition and express their admiration for the exceptional quality of the young women’s creations. This visit highlights AICS’s unwavering commitment to promoting employment opportunities and decent work for both youth and women. AICS remains dedicated to these priorities, and the Ayadi project stands as a testament to our effectiveness and ongoing support since its launch.

This exhibition vividly demonstrates the impact of collaborative efforts in achieving significant outcomes. Out of the 180 beneficiaries from the initial training course, nearly half are now embarking on their own projects, illustrating the importance of creating opportunities for young people to fulfill their aspirations.

In this context, AICS extends its heartfelt appreciation to the Palestinian Employment Fund for its essential role as a key partner in Italian cooperation. Together, we continue to make meaningful contributions toward achieving sustainable development goals.

Agreement signing to launch a Health project

East Jerusalem – Consul General of Italy in Jerusalem H.E. Mr. Giuseppe Fedele, Mr. Guglielmo Giordano, Head of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and Dr. Richard Peeperkorn Representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Palestine, signed today an agreement to launch the health project: Reduce avoidable morbidity and mortality in Palestine by strengthening the emergency health care system.

The three years project (with 5 million EUR provided by AICS) will contribute to the strengthening of the Palestinian health system in terms of reducing avoidable disease, death and disability, and support the social stability during any sudden onset disaster, emergencies and outbreaks across Palestine. WHO will work closely with the Ministry of Health, the Palestinian Red Crescent and a number of local NGOs throughout the lifetime of the project and expect to target 230,000 beneficiaries across Palestine.

The Consul General of Italy in Jerusalem Giuseppe Fedele highlighted that “The Palestinian health sector has shown incredible resilience in the face of the unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic. Italy intends to continue doing its part as a lead-Donor in this sector, by promoting increasing access to modern, high-quality health services for all the Palestinian people”

Thanking AICS for funding this project, Dr. Richard Peeperkorn, the WHO Representative in Palestine, said: “I would like to extend our sincere thanks to AICS for funding this essential emergency program. It will build on the first phase of WHO trauma and emergency program and institutionalize key aspects of its concepts and activities to strengthen the health sector resilience and capacity”.

Some of the results expected is to enhance the capacity of prehospital services care during time of emergencies, improve health care services of NCD patients during emergencies, upgrade the essential emergency and surgical care delivered at major hospitals and improve effectivity of medical equipment use.






Italy contributes a total of EUR 3 million towards UNRWA services in Palestine and Syria

East Jerusalem, Today, Consulate General of Italy in Jerusalem, The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation in Jerusalem and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) signed an EUR 2 million agreement in support of Palestine refugee students. The agreement was signed at school in East Jerusalem and was attended by the Consul General of Italy in Jerusalem H.E. Mr. Giuseppe Fedele, the Director of AICS Jerusalem Mr. Guglielmo Giordano and the UNRWA Director of Partnerships Karim Amer.

This project will ensure an adequate environment for 46,000 UNRWA school students in Palestine, guaranteeing that 96 UNRWA schools are capable and ready to identify child protection issues and provide necessary support as well as improving the service delivery of education and promote students’ digital literacy.

This support comes in addition to the EUR 1 million contributed towards health and protection services for Palestine refugees in Syria. This funding will enable UNRWA to sustain the provision of primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare at 23 of its health centers and health points. In addition, the contribution will help the Agency to extend its protection services and awareness programming over the next 12 months, by covering one staff member and supporting various protection activities, trainings and workshops.

Consul General of Italy highlighted that “Over the years, Italy has proven to be a reliable and longstanding supporter of UNRWA, its mandate and activities across all fields of operation. By working to meet both the basic core service requirements and the longer-term needs of more than five million Palestinian refugees, UNRWA continues to serve as an essential anchor of stability in the region”.

“Through these generous contributions, the Government of Italy has demonstrated its longstanding commitment to Palestine refugees across the Middle East. In particular, understanding the vital importance education plays in supporting the children and the youth of the West Bank to develop their full potential,” said Mr. Karim Amer, UNRWA Director of Partnerships. “The breadth of contributions the Government of Italy is giving in support of UNRWA, showcases their importance as a key donor to the Agency and its backing of all Palestine refugees.”

In 2021, the Government of Italy has provided predictable and diverse funding to UNRWA supporting activities across the Agency’s priorities. Ends –