A Gender Matrix to improve AID coordination in Palestine

Jerusalem March 31, 2020 – Despite the COVID-19 pandemic emergency and the obligation to meet up only virtually, EU Gender Technical Working Group activities are continuing, thanks to the participation of EU member States active for Gender Sector in Palestine.

This meeting was arranged to present and discuss Gender Matrix results, mapping of 88 gender projects funded by 16 different EU donors (including South Korea) on-going in 2019, for a total amount of 250 MLN EUR.

In the first part of the meeting, AICS Jerusalem introduced survey’s detail and highlighted its main findings, with a particular focus on best practices related to women’s participation during design and implementation phases and a multi-sectorial feeling among the partners, and on critical aspects related to gender analysis and the necessity of a more structured approach for gender mainstreaming.

During the further discussion, additional key elements have been raised by the partners, such as the relevance of women empowerment sub-sector instead of projects devoted to gender-based violence or women’s participation. A final analysis has been held about monitoring activity of GBV cases in the framework of family isolations due to the pandemic emergency, that may worsen the poor condition of protection for women in Palestine, with the final aim to adapt current development projects to the situation on the ground.


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